So every now and then my children surprise me with how sweet and good natured they can be. This week Seth was in New York City on a business trip. He left Tuesday morning. Wednesday afternoon/evening Simon started acting sick. It seems like without fail when Seth is gone, and life is stressful as it is, someone has to get sick on top of it. Well, to make things even better that same night I started getting a head ache, not fun but doable. Unfortunately it turned into a fever, aches, queasy stomach, etc. Knowing there was no way I could take care of Micah, Zach, and a sick Simon on top of being sick I called in the Priesthood. Thank goodness for good neighbors, and the power in priesthood blessings.
The next morning as I lay in bed Scott came into my room and I explained that I was sick and would need his help with breakfast and possibly making his lunch. He was quick to say he could help, and then went downstairs to where his brothers were. This is what I overheard him say. "Guys, I've got some good news and some bad news i mean some bad news and some good news... The bad news is Mom is sick. The good news is that we can help her by doing things like pouring the cereal and milk and making my lunch". It just made me feel so proud of him for being so sweet and handling it in such an inspired way! "The good news is we can help". I am so thankful for times like this that remind me to be grateful for my children, and to take a step back and recognize their innate goodness. I think sometimes as parents we get so caught up in "parenting" that we forget that they are not just our children, they are children of God and as such have inherited divine qualities. I think it would make me a better mom if I took more time trying to recognize these qualities, instead of lamenting the "natural man" within them.
Thanksgiving Week
6 years ago
YES! I love moments like that. I remember just recently I wasn't feeling well and Dixon was more than willing to DRIVE me to the doctor. I passed but appreciated the gesture.
I needed to hear that today Melissa! We always need to be reminded of the little things that make life amazing! Bailey made her first basket in basketball last night and I cried for an hour. She couldn't understand why but it's a mom thing I guess! I love kids!
Dear Daughter: I am always being taught my you. Thanks for helping me remember this special and important principle of life and parenting. After 30+ years I am still learning how to be a good Mom
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