Saturday, January 17, 2009

relationships and boa constrictors

"A good relationship is a bit like a pet boa constrictor: either you feed it every day or bad things happen." I normally wouldn't admit it, but sometimes I read the highlighted Yahoo articles on my email page... even the relationship ones :). This quote was so great I had to share. Not only is it funny, but it is also true! The article went on to say that each relationship needs little things each day to stay strong. The author, Ty Wenger listed five daily habits for happy couples. 1. talk daily 2. flirt 3. be stupid together (relax have fun enjoy something stupid) 4. get independent (pursue individual interests) and 5. share a spiritual moment (pray). It might not be from an apostle, but I thought it worthy of sharing! Have fun feeding your boa! ~Melissa

1 comment:

Jennie and Adam said...

I love this quote! I've never looked at marriage in quite this light,but I like it--Thanks for sharing!